The Efficacy of Covering The Head in Zoroastrianism

I would like to present this theme before my Zoroastrian brethren about the importance of covering the head which is also mandatory along with the Sudra and Kushti in our Zoroastrian religion.
1. The mid-point  head is called ‘ Atash-e-chakra-Lehan’, where outside and inside pollutants (Druj), taking place continuously  through  an entry- exit point which is  the mid portion of the brain.  To prevent these type of pollutants (Druj), covering of your head is very essential, otherwise ‘Tandorusti’, the health of body is not   maintained properly and  so a person is prone to infection or viral infection or any type of diseases.

Inside the body, Druj could be eradicated gradually by performing daily prayers with ‘Ashoi’  &  ‘tarikats’.  And foreign germs – Druj can be prevented from entering the mid-point, while head is covered for 24 hours.

2.  Near the portion of a small brain is  called ‘Atash-e-Khore’ .  With your daily recitation of  ‘Manthravanis,’  the energy point enhances the ‘Aura’  and keep your body fit and healthy.

3. The centre portion of the  brain is  called  ‘Atash-e-Urvajis’ .  It helps the  soul of a Zoroastrian to speed up the spiritual progress, if  dedicated to prayers, performing rites, observing ‘tarikats’  and stressing on good deeds.
4. The centre portion of a forehead is called ‘Atash-e-Dara’  which  sharpens your  memory in order to enhance your intelligence. This will help in your daily routine and also make material progress.
5. The edge of the forehead portion which  is  having energy point called ‘Atash-e-Frehan’.   It reminds us to be wise and gentle and to lead a virtuous life.
These 5 energy points are present in Behdins (Non-priests)  which  are vibrant in nature.

Zoroastrian priests are having the same energy points but they are blessed with the higher calibre of energy points by Asho Spitam Zarathustra.

A child of a priestly family undergoing   ‘Navar’  ceremony  at a tender age  has to encounter  the Barshnum (purification), ceremony.

During the period of   ‘Barshnum,’ a priestly child undergoes, continuously in a state of absolution, i.e.  Freeing himself from all sorts of negativity (Druj) and when this process is being completed at the end of the ‘Barshnum’ ceremony, his Atash-e- urvajis is being activated at the peak level, along with the other four energy points.

Thus, enhancing the  positive state of mind that helps to grasp and understand the ‘Yasnas’, Vandidad, Gathas  and other ceremonies which are to be duly performed by a priest.

With my brief descriptions on the subject, I conclude my article:  Sudra, kushti & head gear are prerequisite and mandatory in Zoroastrianism.

9 Responses to “The Efficacy of Covering The Head in Zoroastrianism”

  1. Rostam Farrokhzad Says:

    Dear Cyrus49:
    This is the kind of stuff that has crept into the Good Religion from pre-Zoroastrian Indo-Aryan beliefs that our Prophet so adamantly was trying to combat. These concepts are also very well preserved in Hinduism, Islam, and Judaism. The latter two have similar justifications for their practice of ‘hijab’. Whomsoever wishes to partake in this kind of belief system is welcome and free to do so, but please do not pass it off as either Zoroastrian or the “orthodox way”….


    • cyrus49 Says:

      Dear Rostam,

      Thanks for your valuable comment and suggestion to me. Zoroastrian community is dwindling in population because of various reasons, which I suppose that you are aware of them. In the light of this, my only intention is to educate/enlighten the youngsters of our 8000 years old religion. To-days’ youth are emphasizing on reasoning the matter. So, I endeavor my self to make them understand by giving them the proper resoning on the subject.
      Further, I would like to draw your attention that our 5 Gathas given by our Lord Zarathustra are the stepping stones for five major religions of the world. That is the beauty of our religion.

      Cyrus S. Saiwalla


  2. Mrs. Filita Abadi Says:

    It makes sense my parents always keep their heads covered even now. And they live in California.


  3. Aspandyar S. Gotla Says:

    It is true . the lahyan chakrs on the top of the head has to be covered & protected at all times , even at night while sleeping. The benefits of covering the head & following as many tarikats as you can . can only be experienced & not written in words.


  4. Bawapro Says:

    Excellent Post!!

    It’s effect can only be experienced when one starts covering 24/7.

    I have witnessed the ‘spiritual strength’ behind it..


  5. Mahabanoo M. Dalal Says:

    Ahura Mazda!!
    Besides protecting the Chakras other benefit is it gives dignity to the wearer and a good feeling of physical cleanliness.


    • cyrus49 Says:

      Ms. Mahabanoo M. Dalal,

      Thanks for your relevant comment. Bare headed amongst Parsis, Iranis and Priests too, have led away from the teachings of Prophet Zarathustra. Now, new trend people follow, they remove complete Sudro and Kashti, when they pay visit to Navjote and marriage ceremonies. There is a proverb in Gujarati saying ‘Vinash kal ni budhi’, that is their fate deserve to follow ‘Dooms Day’.


  6. Delnavaz Says:

    Great article. Many thanks


  7. duaHu Says:

    Reblogged this on Blessings of Light.


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